My name is Geeth, and I operate out of Pune, where I focus on both my professional commitments and my devotion to animal welfare. With over five years of experience in the pet care industry, I accept pet sitting requests from clients nationwide. I co-manage a specialized pet boarding facility in collaboration with a dedicated NGO, ensuring we meet rigorous standards of animal welfare.
Our facility is meticulously designed to cater to the specific needs of various species, offering customized care that encompasses appropriate nutrition, socialization, and environmental enrichment tailored to each animal’s individual requirements.
In addition to our boarding services, I deliver personalized pet sitting solutions that prioritize the unique care needs of each animal. My offerings also include structured dog walking sessions that promote physical health and cognitive engagement, creating an enriching environment that allows pets to thrive. Through my initiatives, I aim to elevate the overall quality of life for pets and foster a strong sense of community among pet owners.
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